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Installation with Neuron

Aphrodite supports inference with AWS Trainium/Inferentia chips. At the moment Paged Attention is not supported in Neuron SDK, but naive continuous batching is supported in transformers-neuronx. Data types currently supported in Neuron SDK are FP16 and BF16.


  • Linux
  • Python 3.8 - 3.11
  • Accelerator: NeuronCore_v2 (in trn1/inf2 instances)
  • PyTorch 2.0.1/2.1.1
  • AWS Neuron SDK 2.16/2.17

Building from Source

The following instructions are for Neuron SDK 2.16 and above.

Launch Trn1/Inf2 instances

Here are the steps to launch trn1/inf2 instances, in order to install PyTorch Neuron (“torch-neuronx”) Setup on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS.

Install drivers and tools

If Deep Learning AMI Neuron is installed, this step is unnecessary. Otherwise, follow this:

# Configure Linux for Neuron repository updates
. /etc/os-release
sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/neuron.list > /dev/null <<EOF
wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -

# Update OS packages
sudo apt-get update -y

# Install OS headers
sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) -y

# Install git
sudo apt-get install git -y

# install Neuron Driver
sudo apt-get install aws-neuronx-dkms=2.* -y

# Install Neuron Runtime
sudo apt-get install aws-neuronx-collectives=2.* -y
sudo apt-get install aws-neuronx-runtime-lib=2.* -y

# Install Neuron Tools
sudo apt-get install aws-neuronx-tools=2.* -y

# Add PATH
export PATH=/opt/aws/neuron/bin:$PATH

Install transformers-neuronx

The backend we use for inference is transformers-neuronx. Follow the instructions below to install it:

# Install Python venv
sudo apt-get install -y python3.10-venv g++

# Create Python venv
python3.10 -m venv aws_neuron_venv_pytorch

# Activate Python venv
source aws_neuron_venv_pytorch/bin/activate

# Install Jupyter notebook kernel
pip install ipykernel
python3.10 -m ipykernel install --user --name aws_neuron_venv_pytorch --display-name "Python (torch-neuronx)"
pip install jupyter notebook
pip install environment_kernels

# Set pip repository pointing to the Neuron repository
python -m pip config set global.extra-index-url

# Install wget, awscli
python -m pip install wget
python -m pip install awscli

# Update Neuron Compiler and Framework
python -m pip install --upgrade neuronx-cc==2.* --pre torch-neuronx==2.1.* torchvision transformers-neuronx

Install Aphrodite from Source

git clone
cd aphrodite-engine
pip install -U -r requirements-neuron.txt
APHRODITE_TARGET_DEVICE="neuron" pip install -e .